Trinity Guitar Grade 1: Theory and Technique For Guitar The Trinity Guitar Grade 1: Theory and Technique For Guitar is a comprehensive, step-by-step study of the guitar. The book includes instruction for playing scales, arpeggios, chords, scales in thirds and sixths, minor to major modes in two positions on the fretboard, intervals from tonic to dominant seventh chords over four positions on the fretboard, triad arpeggios in root position with their extensions up the neck from one octave below their starting point to one octave above it. Aimed at beginner or intermediate players who have been playing for a few months or more. "Trinity Guitar Grade 1: Theory and Technique For Guitar" is designed for use by students or self-learners of guitar. The book is divided into 15 sections, each covering a different aspect of musical knowledge. The sections are:
The book is written for right handed players. Left hand players will have to adapt some things, but the content can be used equally effectively for both hands. This book was published by Trinity College London, who make it available on line in PDF format at no cost on their website. There is an accompanying audio CD available to purchase separately.
Artist Paul Beattie used this book in his early career to teach himself the guitar.
All the music examples in the book are marked with fingering, but there are no markings for pitch or phrasing for each note. But these things can be worked out by ear, since everything is presented rhythmically with consistent use of quarter notes and eighth notes. The tuning used in all examples is standard tuning for 6-string guitar except in the final chapter which uses open tuning for 6-string guitar with E string tuned down to D. The chords presented in the book are in C major, but the chords are applicable to other keys. The book is published by Trinity College London who make it available on line in PDF format at no cost on their website..
Trinity Guitar Grade 2: Theory and Technique For Guitar
"Trinity Guitar Grade 1" is published by Trinity College London, who make it available on line in PDF format at no cost on their website. Articles about "Trinity Guitar Grade 1" (and its respective audio CD) have appeared in various magazine articles, including: Horton Int’l Trad Teach Jnr Musician. Issue 34, Autumn 2011. "TrinityGuitarGrade1is a comprehensive text. The book is bound to be useful for music teachers, as well as many parents and children wanting to learn the guitar by themselves." ~ Matt Heptinstall, May 19, 2012 ~ "The book is very thorough and each section has its own value for both beginner and advanced player." ~ Andrew Allen
Standard tuning, 6-string acoustic guitar
Fingering is marked throughout all examples in the book. All music in the book is written using standard notation in quarter notes with no metric markings for phrasing or pitch of each note.
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